Deep Understanding of Your Sales Ecosystem
Yields Unimagined Potential for Sales Results
Deep Understanding of Your Sales Ecosystem Yields Unimagined Potential for Sales Results
Too many sales trainers and consultants gloss over true analysis before determining a course of action. Their diagnosis asks a few questions, maybe runs a personality assessment, and gets a basic idea of the company’s goals and market. Then they prescribe virtually the same engagement they delivered to the last client.
The result is much ado about supposed improvements that seem irrelevant to team members and ultimately fail to address underlying strategic and organizational issues. Things don’t change. And even worse, the team wastes time and energy they could be using to pursue sales opportunities.
We take assessment seriously. Our Objective Sales Analysis™ process brings together the best, most predictive, science-based sales insight tools available in the marketplace. The assessments included are all best-in-class and specifically fit-for-purpose.
Many consultants use assessments for purposes they weren’t intended for, leading to inappropriate labeling and improper conclusions. For example, we include one assessment called DISC® because of the significant insight we gain into how a person behaves and communicates. Others take derivatives of this excellent assessment and stretch it to try to predict how well the person can sell.
Rather than take shortcuts, OSA™ includes a battery of up to eight different assessments, each measuring specific attributes of a sales professional:
- Behavior and Communication Style
- Motivation and Values
- Acumen and Discernment
- Personal Skill Competency
- Emotional Intelligence
- Sales Execution
- Sales Management Execution
- Leadership Capabilities
The real power in the OSA™ assessments lies not only in these in-depth reports, but in our analytical expertise gained from years of experience interpreting and applying their results. Having debriefed thousands of sales professionals on these instruments, we know just how to help you read and gain the most insight from them. An x-ray requires a trained doctor’s interpretation; likewise, sales-related assessments can be misconstrued when not in the hands of an experienced practitioner.
In addition, OSA™ includes proprietary benchmark evaluations to determine sales organizational strategic plan strength, team structure effectiveness, compensation/incentive alignment, accountability culture, and tactical aides/tools completeness. We use these assessments and evaluations to produce a deep, transparent view of your sales operation.
We use these assessments and evaluations to produce a deep, transparent view of your sales operation. We have fully tested and validated them on hundreds of thousands of people and organizations. Our accuracy is legendary. Our insights are unique. There is simply nothing more comprehensive than OSA™.
Questions OSA™ Can Answer
Following are questions answered by our Sales Team Audit, the comprehensive compilation of all of our other OSA™ outputs generated for your entire team. Depending on which questions are most important for each client, we can customize which OSA™ components we use. Look through this list and decide which questions would be most illuminating for you.
How Well Does the Organizational Structure Align With The Strategy?
How Well Does the Sales Process Align With The Strategy?
How Well Are The Sales Tools And Management Tools Fit For Their Purpose?
How Does Sales Leadership Impact Your Sales Force?
How Motivated Are Your Salespeople, and How Are They Motivated?
How Well Are Your Salespeople at Reaching Your Target Buyers?
How Effective Is the Team at Building Durable Client Relationships?
How Is Your Sales Team Perceived By Your Clients?
How Well Are Your Sales Leadership Strategies Aligned?
How Consistent Is Your Value Proposition?
Can You Generate More New Business?
Can You Shorten Your Sales Cycle?
Can You Sell More Consultatively?
Can You Close More Sales?
Can You Be More Consistent with Your Sales Process?
Can You Switch From Selling On Price to Selling On Value?
Who Can Become More Effective in Their Roles?
What Are Your Current Sales Capabilities by Role?
What Coaching is Required to Get Results?
What Systems and Processes Need Optimiing To Truly Serve Their Purpose?
OSA™ Core Principles
Understand the Why – Truly helpful analysis goes deeper than just describing the person’s characteristics. It illuminates why they present those traits and how their behavior patterns will exhibit themselves in future unknown circumstances. For instance, since much of our daily sales behavior is driven by the beliefs we hold and habits we follow, the assessments attempt to uncover these drivers.
Understand the Why – Truly helpful analysis goes deeper than just describing the person’s characteristics. It illuminates why they present those traits and how their behavior patterns will exhibit themselves in future unknown circumstances. For instance, since much of our daily sales behavior is driven by the beliefs we hold and habits we follow, the assessments attempt to uncover these drivers.
Be Specific, No Broad Brushes – Some people object to assessments, claiming that they are simply applying labels to people. When assessments are improperly used, that claim is true. Just like we should not use a person’s race or gender to broadly describe who they are, neither should any one attribute be used to generalize them. Instead, each observation, once validated, helps us to understand the specifics it was intended to measure, and no more.
Strengths Focus – Research has shown that we get much further in life and work by doubling down on our strengths rather than trying to improve our weaknesses. Although in some cases, understanding leads appropriately to overcoming weakness, we should focus on better positioning ourselves to capitalize on the strengths the assessments uncover. This approach has been proven to boost morale, engagement, and effectiveness.
Strengths Focus – Research has shown that we get much further in life and work by doubling down on our strengths rather than trying to improve our weaknesses. Although in some cases, understanding leads appropriately to overcoming weakness, we should focus on better positioning ourselves to capitalize on the strengths the assessments uncover. This approach has been proven to boost morale, engagement, and effectiveness.
Understand Yourself – The beginning of understanding others is better understanding yourself. We believe that the assessments we provide to employees should not be kept in secret. This makes them mysterious and feels intrusive to the participants. With proper timing, we encourage all employees who are assessed to receive a full debrief of their assessments as part of their journey of self-introspection and professional development. A debrief is important to ensure that the assessment outcomes are constructively understood.
Trust the Instrument – Sometimes when we review objective assessment outputs with team members, they may mentally invalidate some of the findings because they perceive incongruence with certain real-life experiences. We have found over thousands of debriefs that when this occurs, there is almost always an underlying insight that can be gained once we change our context for understanding it. We just need to consider it from a different angle. It is similar to how we often find out our parents were right after all—we just needed a different perspective to see it. It is in gaining that additional perspective that we grow.
Trust the Instrument – Sometimes when we review objective assessment outputs with team members, they may mentally invalidate some of the findings because they perceive incongruence with certain real-life experiences. We have found over thousands of debriefs that when this occurs, there is almost always an underlying insight that can be gained once we change our context for understanding it. We just need to consider it from a different angle. It is similar to how we often find out our parents were right after all—we just needed a different perspective to see it. It is in gaining that additional perspective that we grow.
Assessment Sample Findings Areas
Included here are some samples of the types of factors that are measured by some of the assessment instruments we use:
Please contact us for a more in-depth review of OSA™ outputs:
- Behavior / Communication Style
- Personal Skill Competency
- Sales Execution
- Sales Management Execution
- Leadership Capabilities
- Motivation / Values
- Emotional Intelligence
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Intentional Sales Management™ offers a complete, turnkey sales management system that brings order to the chaos of sales, paving the way for strong, predictable results.
Sales Best Practices
Client Builder™ sales training provides companies and sales professionals with a proven, practical road map for filling their prospecting pipelines, improving their closing ratio, and increasing sales.
Get to Know Michael
Learn more about the creator of ISM™ and what drives him to help companies transform their sales.
Turn-key Sales Management
Intentional Sales Management™ offers a complete, turnkey sales management system that brings order to the chaos of sales, paving the way for strong, predictable results.
Sales Best Practices
Client Builder™ sales training provides companies and sales professionals with a proven, practical road map for filling their prospecting pipelines, improving their closing ratio, and increasing sales.
Get to Know Michael
Learn more about the creator of ISM™ and what drives him to help companies transform their sales.